
POST api/Features/GetLineItemsFromHostData

Returns a list of line items based on the host data provided. This is for File Open from the selector. It asks to show the other line items that are on the same bom as the current line item

POST api/Features/GetLineItemFromHostData

Returns Features for the specified hostData

GET api/Features/GetLineItems?bom_nbr={bom_nbr}&co_rev_nbr={co_rev_nbr}&sna_loc={sna_loc}

returns the line items for the specified bom_nbr and revision

GET api/Features/Get?bom_nbr={bom_nbr}&ln_nbr={ln_nbr}&co_rev_nbr={co_rev_nbr}&sna_loc={sna_loc}&performParse={performParse}

Returns features for the specified q2c quote or order If xml features exist they are returned, otherwise the legacy .fet string is returned

POST api/Features/Save

Saves the specified features to q2c and blocks until finished. The HostData will contain a pipe delimited list of primary key fields for the order or quote

POST api/Features/NewLineItem

Creates a new Line Item on the same order as the provided session This is used for product selector File New. They are in an existing job for a bom and want to create a new item on the same bom.

POST api/Features/RepeatLineItem

creates a new line item from the existing line, and copies all features to the newly created line item

POST api/Features/SubmitForPricing

Submits the specified job for pricing on the back end server.

GET api/Features/GetBrassFile?bom_nbr={bom_nbr}&ln_nbr={ln_nbr}&co_rev_nbr={co_rev_nbr}&sna_loc={sna_loc}

No documentation available.

POST api/Features/SaveBrassFile

No documentation available.